The loss of trees in our urban landscape since the removal of tree protection in the RMA is impacting our natural environment. The Tree Council estimates that Auckland has lost 1/3 of its tree cover in the last five years. In Remuera as intensification increases our own urban forest is facing destruction.
At Auckland Council’s Planning Committee Meeting on 10 October 2017 unanimous support was given to The Tree Council’s proposals (at 15.50 on video) not only to correct the Schedule of Notable Trees and the Unitary Plan, but also to address the regulatory issues to prevent the loss of so many trees unnecessarily to development. This support also included a commitment to lobby government for the RMA to be changed to enable better protection of urban trees in the future.
The Schedule of Notable Trees in the Auckland Unitary Plan contains nearly 3000 items (representing some 6000 trees), the majority of which were ‘rolled over’ from previous council schedules as part of the Unitary Plan process.
The Council’s Million Trees programme to green our city and improve our living environment by planting one million trees, shrubs and grasses is an initiative that has yet to see a schedule for the Ōrākei Board area.
The Ōrākei Board provides tree protection grants to owners of notable trees within the local board area. These grants support tree maintenance works that are vital to the long term health of significant trees and their retention within the community. Funding Round 2 opens on 22 January 2018. Contact for further information.