Significant concern has been expressed by residents at the management of Ōrākei Basin. The Ōrākei Basin is on the agenda of the Ōrākei Local Board meeting on 19 October 2017 when the Ōrākei Basin Walkway Draft Concept Plan and a report on the Ōrākei Basin Access Road and Car Park is up for discussion. Item 21 on the agenda.
The Ōrākei Basin Walkway Draft Concept Plan explores design options related to the path/walkway, landscaping, built environment, drainage and erosion mitigation.
The Tonkin and Taylor Ōrākei Basin Access Road and Car Park draft report reviews erosion issues and explores options to address issues associated with the rock revetment, timber retaining wall and stormwater outlet modifications around the Western Reserve of the Ōrākei Basin – designed to protect the access road and car park edge from erosion, land stability and scour.