Low flying aircraft over Remuera

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The rise in aircraft / choppers of all sizes flying over Remuera at all hours has been very marked over the last few months.

A new pattern of helicopter activity around 4.30-5.00 am, and other flights from aircraft around dusk have been causing disruption for many residents.

It is critical that complaints are logged to help influence air traffic control. If low flying aircraft are of concern to you please use the airport complaint line. You can lodge complaints via the 24 hours phone line  256 8133.

Utilise the flight tracking tool to learn more.

The Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group (ANCCG) has representatives from the Ōrākei Local Board – Troy Churton and Colin Davis. The Consultative Group (ANCCG) was set up under the conditions of Auckland Airport’s designation in the Auckland Council Unitary Plan. It is an independently chaired group that makes recommendations to Auckland Airport on aircraft noise issues and concerns that arise from the airport’s operations and activities.

Help restore reasonable tranquility to our suburban valley areas.

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