March is the month to have your say on Auckland’s future. Auckland Council wants you know what you think about the challenges facing a growing city, including our transport system, protecting our natural environment and level of rates we pay. Have your say. Feedback must be received by 8pm on Wednesday 28 March 2018.
Throughout March, the Ōrākei Local Board will be consulting on their 10-year Budget, as well as the draft Auckland Plan 2050. Please take the time to get involved. Meetings are being held so that you can have your say in person:
Sat 3 March, 11am-1pm. Ōrākei Bay Village.
Sat 3 March, 3pm-5pm. Meadowbank Shopping Centre.
Wed 7 March, 11am-1pm. St Heliers Library.
Sat 10 March, 1pm-3pm. Eastridge Shopping Centre.
Thu 15 March, 7pm-9pm. St Chads Community Hall, Meadowbank.