So… what are we being consulted on this time?
This consultation is about the specifics: now we can see the list of projects proposed to be delivered by the regional fuel tax – what do you think? And for each project, do you strongly support / support / not support it. So, again, your feedback counts, big time!
This consultation is about the specifics: now we can see the list of projects proposed to be delivered by the regional fuel tax – what do you think? And for each project, do you strongly support / support / not support it. So, again, your feedback counts, big time!
Where can I read the list? www.akhave your
Where can I read the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan? Also at:www.akhave your
But it’s only a Draft RLTP, right? Right. Hence the consultation. Please be sure to have your say!
So this matters? Yes, for one thing, Councillor Desley Simpson will cast her vote according to feedback from Ōrākei residents.
For ease of reading, a hard copy version of the feedback form can be found here.
Deadline for responses: 14 May 2018