Auckland Council adopted the final 10-year Budget document on 28 June 2018. Decisions made regarding funding for Ōrākei Local Board projects, are:
- Funding to improve local transport network and paths, including key advocacy project (One Local Initiative) of the Gowing Drive linkage
- More than $400,000 of additional funding per year for the local board’s transport capital fund.
The majority of local responses (85 per cent) to Have Your Say were in support of the Ōrākei Local Board’s priorities. Following this feedback, the Ōrākei Local Board will:
- Prioritise improved environmental outcomes and safety within our communities
- Upgrade and develop paths in and around our local parks and reserves
- Continue multi-year projects, including the ongoing planning and design of the Meadowbank Community Centre redevelopment.
The final 10-year Budget documents can be viewed here, including the Local Board Agreement for Ōrākei (in Volume 3 of the 10-year Budget). Hard copies of all documentation were distributed on 31 July 2018. These are available at your local library or board office or you can request a hard copy by emailing