Liquor Licence Application – Liquorland at 427 Remuera Rd

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An application was received by Auckland Council from Liquorland Remuera on 18 / 11/ 14 for a “New” licence as “Off-Licence” premises.

It would appear that they are currently operating with a temporary licence, and now wish to make the situation permanent. Liquor Licensing rules require that a notice of this application is posted on their premises within 10 working days (2 Dec 2014), and publicised twice in the NZ Herald within 20 working days (16 Dec 2014)

Who May Object?
Any person who has a greater interest in the application than the public generally may object to the grant of a liquor licence.

Status of Objectors: What is a Greater Interest?
A person with a greater interest could be a resident living in the same street as the proposed premises. A member of the public living 10 kilometres away who is concerned about the effects of alcohol on the community could be considered as not having a greater interest in the application.
The Liquor Licensing Authority may give less weight to objections from people who are not directly affected by the proposed licensed premises.

Making an Objection. How does one make an objection?
To make an objection, simply write a letter stating the desire to object and the reasons for the objection. The criteria set out in the following section must be addressed and the objection must be filed with the District Licensing Agency within 10 working days of the first public notice appearing in the newspaper. Late objections can not be accepted.
Upon receipt of an objection the District Licensing Agency will send an acknowledgment letter. The Liquor Licensing Inspector, will then contact the objector regarding the validity of the objection.
Grounds for objection
The grounds for objection are set out in the Sale of Liquor Act. They are:
For On and Off Licences
• Suitability of the applicant
• Days and hours liquor will be sold
• Designation of the whole or part of proposed premises as a restricted or supervised area
• Steps taken to ensure prohibited persons are not served
• Supply of food and non alcoholic refreshments (does not apply to off licences)
• If the applicant intends the sale and supply of any goods besides liquor and food, or any services not directly related to the sale and supply of liquor and food.

It does not appear possible to object to the signage or external colour scheme adopted by the company.

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