College Rifles Alcohol Licence Application

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College Rifles, 33 Haast Street, has lodged an application for a Alcohol Licence. You can make an objection to Auckland Council via email to:

The Health Promotion Agency has provided the following information:

Auckland Council has some information on their website Basically, the community can have a say if they want to object to the granting of the licence.

Copies of the licence notifications are held

You will need to write a letter of object within 15 working days of the first online public notice. If you want to see a template of a letter of objection Christchurch City Council has good information on their website, including a template to the tab ‘what to include in your letter’). It’s really important to explain why you have a greater interest in the application than the public in general. You need to live close by (some District Licensing Committees use about 1km) and you should explain any other reasons why you have a greater interest, eg your children walk past, you use the sports ground, you are affected by noise etc. If objections are received there is likely to be a hearing before the DLC. We would suggest that you attend that as it’s important that the DLC hears your issues and that the other parties have the opportunity to ask you questions – an objection letter on its own won’t hold much weight.

A couple of other useful places to go include some information on which includes a link to a booklet called Objecting to a licence to sell or supply alcohol (free to order from our website) and Alcohol Healthwatch which has a resource for community members

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