Guidelines for Nominating a Notable Tree for Evaluation

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Any person or organisation may nominate a tree or group of trees for evaluation by completing and submitting the nomination form.  Before submiting a nomination, please read the guidelines. These guidelines outline the requirements for nominating a notable tree for evaluation by Auckland Council for inclusion on the region’s Notable Tree Schedule.

Notable trees are generally those that a community or nation regard as being of special importance because they commemorate important events in a nation’s history, are exceptional or unique examples of a species, are critical to the survival of other species or are of such age, stature, character and visibility that they are regarded as the best in the district.

Auckland’s Notable Tree Schedule is a list of significant trees or groups of trees in the Auckland region. Inclusion of a tree or group of trees in the Schedule means that:

• It has been officially recognised by the Auckland Council as being a Notable Tree

• It is protected by provisions in district or unitaryplans to ensure it is not damaged or destroyed

• It may be eligible for grants and other incentives.

Read the guidelines here. 

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