Auckland Council’s Annual 2020/2021 consultation round enables you to have your say on the future of the city. In Remuera we are seeing rapid change as a result of the growth facilitated by the Unitary Plan. We encourage you to submit a response to the following open consultations by 22 March 2020.
Annual Budget 2020/21
Drop-in session: Tuesday 17 March, 4-5pm, St Chads Church & Community Centre, 38 St Johns Rd, Meadowbank.
Review of the Council Controlled Organisation (CCOs), includes Panuku – Auckland’s property development and optimisation agency, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) – Auckland’s economic growth agency, Auckland Transport (AT) – Auckland’s transport services and infrastructure, Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA) – has six divisions: Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland Conventions, Auckland Live, Auckland Stadiums, Auckland Zoo, New Zealand Maritime Museum, and, Watercare – Auckland’s water and wastewater services.
You can also have your say on the Ōrākei Local Board plan, 15 June -12 July 2020.
Drop-in session: 25 March, 1-2pm, Remuera Library