Submission Form notes – LTP 2015-2025 Consultation

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LTP 2015-2025 Consultation: Submission Form notes for consideration:

Find the on-line submission form at look for “Feedback Form”
The direct link can be found by copying & pasting this into your browser:

Question 1a: Do you agree with the proposed overall average general rates increase of 3.5 per cent each year, which will enable the proposed investment and spending outlined in this document?


Question 1b: If you do not agree, in which activity areas do you think we should spend more or spend less, and what level of general rates increase would you support?

The overall average of 3.5% rates increase means a 6.5% average residential rate for Orakei rate payers. With no cap, 1 in 3 of our rate payers will receive between 10 and 40 % rates increases. We believe less money should be spent on governance and support. More money should be spent on local parks, local community facilities with a focus on core council services only. More should also be spent supporting key Orakei Local Board priorities, and less on lower ranked regional priorities.

There are a further series of council service reductions planned (cuts to library hours, reduced parks maintenance, reduced community facilities maintenance) which has not been well justified. We oppose these reductions to core council services, particularly when not accompanied by a rates reduction.

Question 2a: Do you support the basic transport network or do you think we should invest more to get the Auckland Plan transport network that would address our transport problems?

Other – Neither the Basic transport network or Auckland plan transport network provide positive transport solutions for Remuera and the Orakei ward. Our priority transport initiative of a new station in the Purewa Valley behind Selwyn College has not been included, nor has the separation of cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles on Tamaki Drive as part of the boardwalk proposed by the Tamaki Drive Masterplan.

Question 2b: If we decide to invest in the Auckland Plan transport network, how do you think Aucklanders should pay for it?

In comment box – why are we only being offered options that require government legislation to implement? Suggest the budget of 6.9 billion be re-evaluated, noting local board priorities and the CRL funding and delivery be slowed down to match the government’s commitment for funding. The proposed additional targeted rate for transport is not supported as there is no guarantee this will help fund local projects – no such projects are identified for Remuera.

Question 2c: Are there any projects or priorities e.g. cycleways or more bus lanes, we should focus on delivering as part of the basic transport programme or the Auckland Plan transport programme?

Please include further push for separation of cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles on Tamaki Drive as part of the Tamaki Drive Masterplan and other local board transport priorities. Defer lower priority regional projects to achieve this.

Question 3: Do you support the council taking a more active role in the development of Auckland through replacing two existing Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) with a new development agency?

Not enough information has been provided on this. How do we know if will not end up costing more? This proposal should guarantee key developments in Remuera & the Orakei ward that attract sustainable enterprise and economic prosperity. E.g Tamaki Drive Masterplan as a focus for Auckland citizens and visitors alike. It currently does not do that.

Question 4: What do you think the fixed portion of rates (UAGC) that everyone pays should be?

If you agree with the local board plan, re the UAGC, suggest you tick $500 but the strategy for some will be to pick $900 knowing that a lesser rates increase would probably be achieved.

Question 5: Do you support gradually reducing business property rates from 32.8 per cent of all rates to 25.8 per cent over the next 10 years?

If the business rates reduce, the residential rate increases. You decide. We want to encourage business but need this to be fair to all ratepayers?

Question 6a: Which local board does your feedback relate to?


Question 6b: Do you support the proposals for your local board area?

The LTP does not reflect local board priorities. Suggest your comment strongly focuses on inclusion of key local board priorities in the LTP. You may want to refer to: funding the Tamaki Drive Masterplan, the Colin Maiden Masterplan, the Eastern Parks Masterplan and the Hobson Bay action plan. Funding should be reinstated in 2015/16 for the Meadowbank Community Centre upgrade, and for Selwyn station investigation work?

You might want to give some thought to debt levels, reduction of service – paying more rates but getting less in regards to library hours, paid rubbish etc

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