Plan Change 78: What it means…

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This is the headline in Monday 5 Sept edition of the NZ Herald

It is unbelievable that  Auckland Council could be sued by the Government for not changing the Unitary Plan sufficiently to meet the Government’s National Policy Statement on Urban Development. But Unitary Plan Change 78 released in August attempts to take account of the Heritage Character of parts of the city, and the limitations created by the current lack of infrastructure to support intensive growth.

Auckland Council is asking all residents to consider and make a submission on these proposed changes to the city’s planning rule book – the Auckland Unitary Plan.

The council must respond to two significant urban planning reforms introduced by central government. These require New Zealand’s largest and fastest growing cities, like Auckland, to enable more development at greater building heights and density.

It means big changes to how our city grows – allowing for more housing like apartments, townhouses, and terrace housing across our city and big changes to the rules for how people can choose to develop their property.

Be heard on Auckland’s housing future

Until 29 September, you can give your views on how our city grows by making a submission on the proposed plan change – called Plan Change 78.

Make a submission online through the Auckland Council website (click this link)

Making a submission is the most important way for you to be heard on Auckland’s housing future and how our city grows.

It allows for your views to be considered by an Independent Hearings Panel when they make recommendations to the council on changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan.

See more information about Plan Change 78.   (Click this link)

Come along to our Public Meeting on Thursday 22 September to have the issues explained in more detail, and have your questions answered.

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