Remuera Library: Expect Changes

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Library changeChange can be expected at Remuera Library as Auckland Libraries works to keep pace with world trends in our growing and changing city.

Faced with accelerating digital and demographic change, the way people use libraries is shifting, world-wide. Auckland Libraries aims to proactively respond to this evolving landscape. The focus of its ‘Fit for the Future’ programme is to redesign services alongside customers as their needs change, and make better use of resources across the region.

In ‘Fit for the Future’, no libraries will close and there will be no reduction in library hours. But there will be a move towards a more digital-led way of working to meet the technology needs of customers and changes in demand for print and digital services.

It has been decided that staff restructuring is required and after consultation, Auckland Libraries’ approved headcount of 767 full-time equivalent roles is to be reduced by 48, through voluntary redundancy, by 30 June.

Changes flowing from the ‘Fit for the Future’ programme will no doubt become apparent at Remuera Library as the programme progresses.

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