Residents Associations within the Orakei Ward have created this meeting to answer these questions:
What do the two leading Mayoral Candidates stand for?
What do the three Councillor Candidates for Orakei stand for?
If you are not sure, come along to hear their policies, ask them questions.
7:30 pm Monday 30 September
Selwyn College Theatre , Kohimarama Road (at the front of the school, NOT the Barfoot & Thompson stadium behind)
Mayoral candidates Phil Goff and John Tamihere will be attending
All 3 Orakei Councillor candidates (Alan Barraclough, Mike Padfield and Desley Simpson) will be attending
All Residents with the Orakei Ward (includes Remuera) are welcome.
P.S: The format will be:
Each candidate makes an introductory statement (Councillor candidates, then Mayoral Candidates)
We then ask candidates to answer pre-prepared questions, and then take questions from the floor.
Expected to finish 9.15pm