Auckland Council Budget: Gains for Orakei Ward – and Mount Hobson!

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As most readers will know, the Councillor for Auckland representing Orakei Ward is Desley Simpson . Desley has a long and supportive relationship with the Remuera Residents Association, which she helped to establish.

Highlighted in Desley’s latest newsletter are key aspects of the Auckland Council Budget for 2017/18, confirmed on 29 June.

They are:

Region wide impacts:

  1. A rates rise of 2.5% (the lowest ward-wide rise for us since amalgamation);
  2. Increase in Uniform Annual General Charge (UCGA) to $404 (the highest for us since amalgamation. The higher the UCGA, the lower our rates are, so this is a positive);
  3. Another $200 million for infrastructure;
  4. Targeted rates for accommodation providers, so that the cost of visitor promotion is shared by those who benefit the most.

Orakei Ward impacts:

  1. Funding to Maunga Authority of $197,014, specifically for Mt Hobson.
    This is the first budget which clearly specifies funding for Mt Hobson (Ohinerau), targeting improved pedestrian access, signage repair and replacement, planting, and vegetation and pest control.
  2. A significant increase to the Orakei Local Board (OLB) budget. Scheduled at $2.189 million as per the LTP budget, OLB’s allocation was revised and increased to $7.074 million. This lift of $4.885 million should considerably enable OLB’s delivery of planned local improvements.


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