Funding Auckland’s Transport Choices

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Funding Auckland's Transport ChoicesTransport is the biggest part of the council’s budget and will be a major focus during public consultation on the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP).

The LTP is our 10-year budget, covering everything we do across Auckland and how we pay for it.

Mayor Len Brown’s proposal for the LTP includes funding for major transport projects such as the City Rail Link, the East-West connections and SH1 intersection improvements at Warkworth.

However, the proposed budget does not stretch to all projects Aucklanders say they want to see, including new park-and-ride facilities, the north-western busway, Penlink and rail electrification to Pukekohe.

“Aucklanders are passionate about getting our transport system sorted, but we need to talk about how we will pay for it,” says Len.

To start the conversation, a group known as the Independent Advisory Body will deliver a report on alternative funding, with two options for discussion:

  • rates increases, accompanied by a higher fuel tax
  • a new road-user charge.

No decisions will be made without extensive consultation with Aucklanders, which will begin in late January 2015.

Visit the Shape Auckland website from 29 October to read the Independent
Advisory Body’s report and find out more about the Long-term Plan 2015-2025

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