Auckland Transport (AT) and the NZ Transport Agency are creating a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians that will follow the eastern rail line from Merton Road near Glen Innes Station to Tamaki Drive – allowing you to walk, run or cycle from Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the Waitematā Harbour.
The Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive Shared Path – Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea) will deliver a 7km-long path that connects Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the city centre.
The path is being constructed in 4 stages between 2015 and 2018. Section One from Merton Road to St Johns Road has been completed, Section Two from St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin is due for completion in 2018, Section Three from Orakei Basin boardwalk is in development, and Section Four from Orakei Basin to Tamaki Drive is due for completion in 2018. Dividing the route into sections recognises the different consenting and construction challenges of each.
Consultation on the the preferred route closed on 8 October 2017. Follow the project here.