As many of you are aware, almost no one has been spared the suffering of the Covid-19 lockdown and the consequential economic impact. This is particularly true for Auckland Council, who have had to work hard to produce a budget that bridges a ½ billion dollar reduction in income. More than 50% of the total income of the Council (combined with the CCOs) is in the form of fees, dividends, and user pays charges – a smaller percentage is derived from Rates – both residential and business.
The (now obsolete) long-term plan projected a 3.5% increase in rates year on year to grow the city we want. The massive income shortfall, alongside the impact of the epidemic on all ratepayers has provided no opportunity to increase rates beyond 3.5% to begin to make up the shortfall. So a substantial reduction in resource and excess expenditure on council staff and services across the board is proposed in this 2020 Emergency Budget. The reduction in council services will affect everyone, even if the 3.5% rates increase is applied. Recognising that the capacity to accept such an increase is now limited, a 2.5% increase is presented as an option. That will unfortunately require even greater reduction in services for citizens.
The average per annum rate increase for a property in Orakei Local Board area is either $80.31 at 2.5% or $104.37 at 3.5%. We think it is worth $2 a week to ensure we sustain services.
You have until midnight Friday, 19 June to have your say! Follow this link to do this online now.