Noise from Steel Shipments at the Port

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Upcoming scrap steel operations at the port over the next 2 weeks will likely result in unusual noise levels which may impact Remuera residents. Measures have been taken to reduce the impact, such as putting in place a container sound wall and restriction hours of operation.

The time period in question is from Monday 11th May until Tuesday 26th May. More details of expected timeframes are below:

The first shipment will consist of the normal shred that we predominantly handle. Receival of this material will start either Monday 11th /Tuesday 12th May and the shred will be temporarily stockpiled on the wharf until loaded. Vessel loading will likely take place from Monday 18th to Wednesday 20th / Thursday 21st May. As with normal scrap steel operations, receivals can occur at anytime and the loading operation will be from 7am to 11pm.

The second shipment will be heavy steel plate from Glenbrook. At this stage receivals are expected to begin on the 21st / 22nd of May following the completion of the shred. The vessel is scheduled to leave on Tuesday 26th May and loading operations will likely start on Friday 22nd or Saturday 23rd. Receival of this product is scheduled to continue throughout the period the vessel is alongside. The hours of operation for all heavy plate operations (receivals and loading) will be 7am to 9pm Monday to Saturday. There will be no operations of Sunday 24th May.

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