Public Meeting: The Future of Our Remuera Town Centre, 11 April 2019

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As many residents know, changes to zoning, parking availability, and public transport have impacted, in recent times, on the popularity and attractiveness of our main shopping centre on Remuera Road. There is a vision, however, for a more active, alive and atmospheric experience that will improve visitation and utilisation of our Town Centre.

Commercial building owners have a part to play, and many opportunities exist to create innovative and practical enhancements that will develop Remuera into a destination of choice – not only for local residents, but also for those from further afield.

Come and hear how potential developments centred on the Clonbern Road carpark can be a catalyst for that change. Adrian Barkla, operator of Remuera New World and Chairman of the Remuera Business Association, has agreed to address our meeting and share his insights on the progress towards the vision for a vibrant Remuera.

Part of the meeting will be taken to canvas the views and aspirations of residents present, and in that way provide an opportunity to shape the future of our Town Centre.

When: Thursday 11 April at 7.30pm

Where: Remuera Library, Remuera Road


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