At the Remuera Residents Association’s public meeting on 1 August 2018 two resolutions were passed unanimously. The resolutions have been forwarded to the Ōrākei Local Board for action:
1. In respect to the sale of 4 Victoria Avenue:
That this meeting is concerned about the loss of Community Facilities accessible to residents of Remuera and requests the Ōrākei Local Board commence the planning and funding of a dedicated Council-owned Community Centre in Remuera.
In response, the Orakei Local Board at its 16 August meeting passed by unanimous vote the following motion:
That the Ōrākei Local Board request Community Services and Panuku staff to investigate a range of options, (including public private partnership options and targeted rate paid for by the Remuera community) for a new community space in Remuera and report to its November 2018 meeting
It is the intention of the RRA Committee to approach CS & Panuku staff during September and offer assistance to their investigation.
2. To address the issues related to the flawed design of the Ōrākei Basin walkway:
That this meeting is concerned about the adequacy of the design and partial implementation of the southern walkway at the Ōrākei Basin and requests the Ōrākei Local Board suspend the project, re-open consultation, and re-design the walkway, and re-sequence its implementation relative to erosion control works.
In response, the Orakei Local Board at its 16 August meeting passed by unanimous vote the following motion:
That the Ōrākei Local Board confirm Coastal Management Services is working to address erosion on the south side of the Ōrākei Basin in accordance with the Ōrākei Basin Management Plan and request staff to provide the Board with an update on progress.
Clearly this action only partially addresses the concerns of the RRA meeting and may or may not be effective. Subsequent meetings have been held with the Chair of OLB and the Chair of the Orakei Basin Protection Group to follow through with the intent of our motion, but it appears our actions have had no impact on the immediate project of re-building the southern walkway.