Work has begun on the upgrade of the Tamaki Drive and Ngapipi Road Intersection.
More than 30,000 people travel through the Tamaki Drive-Ngapipi Road intersection each day, and in the past 5 years, 21 crashes have been recorded at the intersection. The intersection is ranked number 10 on the national top-100 high crash-risk intersections.
The upgrade will make the intersection a lot safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. Stage One began on 20 August and is scheduled for completion Mid-2018. Follow updates.
Auckland Transport (AT) is proposing to install 2.5m-wide ‘clip ons’ on both sides of Ngapipi bridge (on Tamaki Drive) to provide new footpaths and convert the existing footpaths into cycleways. Read more and give your feedback.
AT and the NZ Transport Agency are creating a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians that will follow the eastern rail line from Merton Road near Glen Innes Station to Tamaki Drive – allowing you to walk, run or cycle from Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the Waitematā Harbour. The path is being built in 4 stages. Section four – the upgrade of the existing shared paths on both sides of Tamaki Drive will create a 2.4km, off-road walking and cycling route. The route will run from the end of the Quay Street Cycleway (which will be extended to a point just west of The Strand intersection) to the intersection with Ngapipi Road. Read more and give your feedback.
AT has recently announced plans to address flooding at low spots on Tamaki Drive, between Lilliput minigolf and Ngapipi Bridge, to mitigate the effects of king tides and storms as part of the Tamaki Drive cycleway improvements. Read media release.