Update on Tree Removal on Ohinerau/Mt Hobson

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Tūpuna Maunga report that infected Elm trees (Dutch Elm Disease) on Ohinerau/ Mt Hobson have been removed as directed by the Auckland Council Biosecurity Team. The Authority have recently been advised that there are additional Elm trees to be removed.

Exotic weed species, such as hawthorne, that are causing damage to the underlying archaeology on the maunga have been removed. Hawthorne is listed in the Regional Pest Management Plan.

Recent storms have also caused some damage to trees – the most notable being the large oak that fell over near the daffodil area. Also being investigated is a large ficus that received significant damage in the last few storms.

Auckland Transport will continue to require tree pruning/removal along Remuera Road, from time to time, for safety reasons.

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