Rules of the Remuera Residents Association Incorporated

  1. Name

    1.1 The name of the Society shall be: Remuera Residents Association Incorporated (hereinafter called “the Society”)

  2. Objectives

    2.1 To provide a collective voice for the residents of Remuera consulting where appropriate for the benefit of Remuera with agencies responsible for providing local infrastructure, amenities, and services.

    2.2 To promote the general well being of the residents of Remuera, including but not limited to encouraging them to be active participants in the community.

    2.3 To seek out and work with other organisations having similar objectives.

    2.4 To do anything necessary or helpful to the above objectives.

  3. Membership

    3.1 Membership of the Society shall be open to any person who is a resident or ratepayer of Remuera or who shares an interest in the community of Remuera and supports the objective of the Society.

    3.2 Any person eligible under 3.1 wishing to become a member may do so by making application either at any meeting of the Society or in writing or electronically to the Secretary and by payment of any requisite subscription.

    3.3 Any membership fee or subscription for the next financial year shall be set at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions become due on the first of April of each year.

  4. Termination of Membership

    4.1 Any member may cease to be a member by giving notice in writing or electronically to the Secretary.

    4.2 The Society may terminate the membership of any member who fails to pay to the Society any money owed to the Society for a period of more than 12 months.

    4.3 The Society may terminate the membership of any member whose actions are considered contrary to the objectives of the Society, if so resolved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present at a General Meeting. The member concerned must be given written notice of the proposed termination and the reasons for it, and be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting considering the termination.

  5. Register of Members

    5.1 The Secretary of the Society shall keep a register of all members, including each member’s name, address and the date on which each member became a member.

  6. Committee Meetings

    6.1 The members of the Committee shall be the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, and up to seven (7) Members elected at General Meetings of the Society.

    6.2 Committee meetings may be held at any time on members of the Committee having been given at least five (5) days prior notice in writing electronically of the meeting and the purpose or agenda for it.

    6.3 Five (5) persons present constitutes a quorum at Committee Meetings.

    6.4 Other members may attend a Committee Meeting, but not vote.

    6.5 Interests in matters under consideration must be set out in the prior agenda or can be approved for discussion and determination by a majority of the Committee members present at the meeting.

    6.6 Any business under discussion at the Committee meeting which a Committee member considers should be determined by a meeting of the members generally shall, if 3 or more Committee members vote to have the matter determined at a general meeting, be adjourned to a general meeting of members to be called by the Chairperson at a later date.

  7. Annual General Meeting

    7.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually not less than nine months and not more than 15 months after the previous Annual General Meeting.

    7.2 The Committee shall set the date of the Annual General Meeting.

    7.3 The Annual General Meeting shall be held for the purposes of:

    7.3.1 Receiving and confirming the minutes of the previous Annual
    General Meeting.

    7.3.2 Receiving the Annual Report prepared by the Chairperson describing the activities of the previous year.

    7.3.3 Receiving and approving the balance sheet, statement of accounts and a Financial Report for the previous year, prepared by the Treasurer.

    7.3.4 Electing the offices of Chairperson, Deputy Chair Person, Secretary and Treasurer, together with up to seven (7) members of the Committee. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person.

    7.3.5 Establishing the membership/subscription rates for the following year.

    7.3.6 Appointing an auditor if the meeting requests the appointment of an auditor.

    7.3.7 Considering any other business.

    7.4 No member of the Society shall be elected to any office in his/her absence unless he/she has lodged notice of willingness to accept such office with the Chairperson or Secretary.

    7.5 If any office position becomes vacant prior to an Annual General Meeting it may be filled by appointing a member at a Committee Meeting, and this member shall remain in office until the next Annual General Meeting.

  8. Special General Meeting

    8.1 The Chairperson may call a Special General Meeting for any purpose and shall call a Special General Meeting if 3 or more members of the Committee request it at a Committee meeting where a matter is raised that those members consider should be determined by the membership generally or if requested to do so by six (6) members who have given written notice stating the reasons for wanting a Special General Meeting. The meeting shall be held within two (2) months of the request.

  9. Notice and Conduct of Meetings

    9.1 All meetings including Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings shall be open to all members and to others by invitation.

    9.2 Members shall receive notice of meeting: five (5) days notice for Committee Meetings, fourteen (14) days notice for Annual and Special General Meetings.

    9.3 Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings shall be advertised to the Remuera community through a Public Notice in a local newspaper and/or by other means.

    9.4 The quorum for Annual and Special General Meetings shall be 10 members.

    9.5 The Chair at meetings shall be taken by the Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the Deputy Chairperson, or in his or her absence a member chosen by members present.

    9.6 Only financial members may vote.

    9.7 The Chairperson of any meeting shall have a deliberative and a casting vote.

    9.8 Voting shall be by simple majority of the members present in Committee Meetings and by two-thirds (2/3) majority in Annual and Special General Meetings: voting may be on the voices, on a show of hands or by poll, as decided by the meeting.

    9.9 The Society may invite representatives from other organisations to its meetings and may send members of the Society as representatives to meetings of other organisations for particular purposes.

    9.10 Members in General Meetings may resolve to delegate to a member or members, responsibilities to carry out a specific task or specific tasks.

  10. Finances

    10.1 The financial year shall be from 1 April to 31 March.

    10.2 The financial accounts of the Society shall be kept by the Treasurer.

    10.3 All funds received by or on behalf of the Society shall be deposited in the bank account of the Society which shall be maintained in the Remuera Branch of a Trading Bank operating full retail banking facilities.

    10.4 All payments shall be authorised or confirmed by the Committee. All cheques and withdrawals from the account shall be signed by any two of the Treasurer, Chairperson, Secretary and another committee member.

    10.5 The funds and the property of the Society are to be applied solely to further the objectives of the Society. No income or property is to be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to any member. This will not prevent payment of reasonable remuneration or expenses to any member of the Society for any services performed by him or her for the Society. A member may charge for any services carried out by him or her where the Society would have to pay for that service if it was carried out by someone who was not a member.

    10.6 Property owned by the Society shall be the responsibility of the Secretary or other member of the Society if so resolved.

  11. Execution of instruments by the Society

    11.1 Any instrument intended to bind the Society to obligations by it must be authorised by a resolution of the Committee at a Committee Meeting, or by a resolution of a General Meeting.

    11.2 All instruments shall be executed by signing by the Chairperson and one other member of the Committee.

  12. Alterations to the rules

    12.1 Any rule may be altered, added to or rescinded at an Annual or Special General Meeting provided that written notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of the meeting and provided that a two thirds majority of members present at the meeting agree to the change and provided that such changes do not conflict with the objectives of the Society.

  13. Winding Up

    13.1 The Society may be wound up pursuant to a resolution passed by a two-thirds (2/3) of members at an Annual or Special General Meeting of which at least one calendar months notice has been given.

    13.2 On winding up, after payment of all debts and liabilities, any surplus and any property/non-monetary assets shall be given to such other charitable and/or not-for-profit organisation as shall be determined by resolution at the same time as the resolution to wind up.

“Certified by us being members of the Society as the altered and adopted Rules of the Remuera Residents Association as approved at the Annual General Meeting of members on Wednesday 14th May 2014 at the Church Hall, St Pauls Methodist Church, 12 St Vincent Avenue, Remuera.”

Iain Archibald Valentine
Coralie van Coralie van Camp
Anthony Anselmi

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