$40m Remuera revamp of Village Green

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A $40m town centre revamp for Remuera. This will be the biggest makeover in decades, six new buildings are planned. Guardian Group plan to develop six new low-rise commercial and hospitality buildingsĀ in the Village Green – shops, hospitality, cafes, restaurants and offices were planned. The developer Greg Wilkinson said some buildings fronting Remuera Rd and the Village Green would be refurbished but five new single-level “pavilions” and a three-level block were planned on the 3400sq m site. “Our proposal is to repurpose all the existing buildings. We like the character with the brick,” he said of existing buildings “and then we’ll develop in the spaces in-between.”

Remuera Heritage says that area currently known as the Village Green was originally a works depot for the Remuera Road Board, and later for the Auckland City Council. The brick buildings were probably constructed around 1902 and are still standing, it said.

A resource consent application for a new retail development at 405 Remuera Road was made on 11 November 2019.

Source: New Zealand Herald 17 Feb, 2020

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