Double Decker Buses and Tree Clearance in Remuera Shopping Precinct

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On the plans to introduce double decker buses in the Remuera Shopping precinct (Plans 4A, 4B of the Orakei Local Board – Consultation Plan) there is a specific reference to “prune large tree” on each of the existing trees on Remuera Road to the west of Clonbern Road intersection. No plans were provided that might cover the three trees on Remuera Road to the east of Clonbern Road intersection. RRA assumed no changes were contemplated there. Several residents have raised concerns as to the intentions of Auckland Transport. Carmel Claridge the transport spokesperson on the Ōrākei Local Board has commented:

The reference to tree removal does not affect any trees in the Remuera precinct. Trees will be pruned only. The Board’s report is in respect to dead tree on St Johns Rd opposite the Meadowbank Shopping Centre that was felled in the storms some months ago. It has been the subject of complaints by residents and needs to be removed regardless of these works. I am confident that Auckland Transport is preserving the healthy street trees as part of these necessary works.

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